Self-Test – Which half of the brain do you use?

  • In which direction turns the dancer? 17

    1. I am a man - Dancer rotates anti-clockwise (7) 41%
    2. I am a man - Dancer rotates clockwise (3) 18%
    3. I am a woman - Dancer rotates anti-clockwise (3) 18%
    4. I am a woman - Dancer rotates clockwise (3) 18%
    5. I am a transgender (Gender converted - Male to Female) - Dancer rotates anti-clockwise (1) 6%
    6. I am a transgender (Gender converted - Male to Female) - Dancer rotates clockwise (0) 0%
    7. I am a transgender (Gender converted - Female to Male) - Dancer rotates anti-clockwise (0) 0%
    8. I am a transgender (Gender converted - Female to Male) - Dancer rotates clockwise (0) 0%
    9. I have both sexual characteristics - Man and Woman - Hermaphrodite - Dancer rotates anti-clockwise (0) 0%
    10. I have both sexual characteristics - Man and Woman - Hermaphrodite - Dancer rotates clockwise (0) 0%

    „Spinning Dancer“ by Nobuyuki Kayahara - Procreo Flash Design Laboratory. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 over Wikimedia Commons -…/File:Spinning_Dancer.gif

    The test is easy:

    • If the woman turns clockwise, you are using more of the right hemisphere, and vice versa.
    • Most of us see the dancer dancing counterclockwise. But you can try to concentrate to change the direction of the dancer. See if you can do it.


    Hello Forum Cosirex!
    On Santa Claus Day I brought a great test to you, with which you can test which half of the brain of you is the more dominant, and most importantly, what kind of a man you are.
    The test is easy but complex in testimony. You only have to look at a picture and to say immediately in which direction the dancer turns. Whether she dances clockwise or vice versa.
    The answer is directly shown in english language.
    To reflect the results impressively I started the survey or poll.
    The test is on the Australian news portal Heraldsun and PerthNow, please note the copyright:

    Have a lot of fun

    ❝Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, lebt es sich ganz ungeniert❞

  • Today I bring the Santa Claus. It is not the 5. December, it's the 12-06-2014, around 7 years later comes the first answer. But better late as never, hehehe.
    What is my present today? Perhaps the info, that the link is broken, because Heraldsun has changed its software and cleaned the server. So it is.
    Though my present is the fascinating test with the correct link.

    Test which half of the brain you use
    The test is rather easy:

    • If the woman turns clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa..
    • Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.

    My own fascinating result: Like most of us I see the dancer dancing anti-clockwise.
    But the unbelievable thing is, when I close my eyes for a moment and again open them, then she is dancing clockwise for around two seconds. It seems that the picture stops for a short time, like youtube videos are bucking. Es kommt mir dabei vor als stockt das Bild, ähnlich wie wenn bei Youtube die Filme kurz ruckeln. For sure you know this behavior if internet connection is bad or something else. But in this case it's the brain. Gives me an oppressive feeling to no more have my senses. Yes, this is psychology at its best. Auto-suggestion...fuck...

    „Viel Eifer, viel Irrtum; weniger Eifer, weniger Irrtum; kein Eifer, kein Irrtum.“
    Lin Yutang: Zài jīnghuá yānyún ❂ 在京華煙雲 ❂ Momente in Peking

  • Lots of greets, Dr Opal. Thanks for the tip, lol. Even though I only vote and sometimes I only read here in the forum, but I am here almost every day. :grins: :pfeif: :pfeif: :pfeif:
    I want to see which crazy things are posted. Just have changed the link.
    My test has also worked like the same.

    Left Brain Functions

    • uses logic
    • detail oriented
    • facts rule
    • words and language
    • present and past
    • math and science
    • can comprehend
    • knowing
    • acknowledges
    • order/pattern perception
    • knows object name
    • reality based
    • forms strategies
    • practical
    • safe

    Right Brain Functions

    • uses feeling
    • "big picture" oriented
    • imagination rules
    • symbols and images
    • present and future
    • philosophy & religion
    • can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
    • believes
    • appreciates
    • spatial perception
    • knows object function
    • fantasy based
    • presents possibilities
    • impetuous
    • risk taking

    Have fun with the knowledge of the brain and its (im-) possibilities

    ❝Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, lebt es sich ganz ungeniert❞

  • Has the writing devil crept in here when it comes to the functions of the right brain hemisphere ?
    The two halves of our brain have certain abilities and workings of consciousness a special performance.
    Mental processes usually take place in the interaction of both halves of the brain.
    I also did the test, I saw the dancer dance clockwise without jerking or faltering.

    "In der Wut verliert der Mensch seine Intelligenz"
    - Dalai Lama -

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    THANK YOU for the hint, Aisha, I improved it for Dietmar.
    Many greets

    P.S.: For me it also turns anti-clockwise.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Well, it seems that the ladies, as so often expected and assumed, really think differently from the gentlemen.

    In short: women think the other way around than men (quote from Mario Barth, Berlin). Laaaaugh ... :crazy:

    We will prove this with a great survey on "Which half of the brain do you use?"

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Ja, so ungefähr ist das auch bei mir. Als ich das vor Jahren zum ersten Mal machte. Interessant dabei ist man kann wirklich damit spielen, indem man sich auf bestimmte Punkte auf dem Bild konzentriert und mit den Augen fixiert. Oder man macht mal ein Auge zu, dann mal das andere, oder beide. Man kann echt sehen wie sich dadurch die Drehung verändert, oder das Bild, wie bei einem Film früher zu ruckeln beginnt. Faszinierend. Irgendwann bekomme ich Angst durchzudrehen und muss aufhören. Ja, man dringt da wirklich in gefährliche Regionen ein.
    Aus Spiel wurde ernst. Krasser sind so Hypnose-Spiele. Muss mal schauen ob ich dazu noch Webseiten in den Favoriten habe. Die stelle ich dann rein. Das sind dann aber gefährliche Spiele, lach.
    Dazu passt irgendwo, irgendwie auch der Beitrag von EknAd:

    Wer gerne mal wissen möchte wie es auf LSD ist.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Very interesting, I am there with left-turning. Hopefully many others will vote. I look forward to the results. Many greetings

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    first turning clockwise to the right, but when I look down at the lower edge of the picture and then back up to the dancer, then I see her turning to the left, i.e. turning anti-clockwise.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Aha, you have a multitasking brain! ! ! Laugh, very interesting. But seriously now, that's exactly what happens to almost everyone, as you can read here. That is also the mysterious, almost oppressive feeling about it. You notice how the perception changes through the brain. You really get to know how incredibly powerful the brain's performance is, and that what we perceive is not always real.

  • For me it is mostly that she turns left against the clock. But if I look at the edge or blink, then it's the other way around. Can you tick both? :vertrag:

    Liebe ist die stärkste Macht der Welt, und doch ist sie die demütigste, die man sich vorstellen kann.
    Mahatma Gandhi