- Official Post
Don't cry, UNICODE ? when rain is falling,
dam, dam, dam, dam,
There is someone keeping for you,
dam, dam, dam, dam,
Marble, stone, and iron breaks,
but our love, will never end.
Everything, everything, will end,
but we are faithful to us.
...Partially translated songtext of "Marmor, Stein, und Eisen bricht" - "Marble, stone, and iron breaks"...
...The song is also supplemented by the two words "UNICODE ? "...
In memory of the german singer and songwriter "Drafi Deutscher" (* 9. Mai 1946 in Berlin-Charlottenburg ; † 9. Juni 2006 in Frankfurt am Main) with his unforgetable song "Marmor, Stein, und Eisen bricht."