Welcome to Cosirex network

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Welcome to all of You,

    I am glad that you are there. The forum has moved to a new server and to ensure the smooth and secure operation it had to be re-launched.

    "Everything for your fun"

    Unfortunately, it is therefore necessary to log you in again, because unlike an update, it is safer to recreate the databases than to use the old ones, or their contents.

    Important: One tip, you can safely log in with a real email, because then you can receive emails, unless you do not want to select this option in the profile (settings).

    > The e-mail address is set to "hide" by default. Of course you can also change that, if you want to.

    This forum is a community, a community for all and everyone.

    Each contribution helps to make our life better, easier and more enjoyable. Whether help, chatting, dates or simply to relax, here everyone can come to their fun.

    Enjoy it and write as many posts as possible, you also have the option to upload pictures. Tell your fellow humans what you have always wanted to say ... Have fun


  • Dear forum operator!

    Again I warn you!

    To open a racist Christian or Islamic forum!

    To set religious barriers between peoples!

    Make a forum for all religions, or call it Faith Forum!

    The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10 December 1948, which is almost literally rooted in the 1789 Paris Declaration of Human Rights, states

    Article 3 explains:

    "No one may be discriminated against or favored on account of his sex, his descent, his race, his language, his homeland and origin, his faith, his religious or political views."

    In 1976, the international law "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" (IPBPR) and the "International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" entered into force. These two pacts form the »International Human Rights Catalog« with the »Declaration of Human Rights«.

    Each of the 138 contracting parties here by law committed to protect individuals from religious contempt. This protection must therefore be provided by the State and its organs, e.g. also be guaranteed by mayors.

    Article 17 of the International Human Rights Catalog

    »Protects members of ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities from being denied the pleasure of their own culture or denied their right to profess and practice their own religion.«

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Huhu Sareu,

    you mean "double mated keeps better", or what? This wisdom is true already from the core, but in this case you read my answer in the second thread, hehe .... Because I'll save me twice ... mind you ... in this case ...

    "The right to freedom of expression" is higher with us.

    ... have fun with all readers ...

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    So, sareu, jetzt verwarne ich Dich zum letzten Mal. Du beleidigst hier nicht nur eine Userin des Forums, sondern auch meine eigene Lebenspartnerin, was ich doch stets hinten an stellte.
    Bei jeder und jedem anderen wĂŒrde ich das auch tun. Das verstösst gegen alle Sitten und besonders gegen jeden Respekt den man fĂŒr jeden Menschen haben sollte. Saphira/Cosirex ist sehr enttĂ€uscht von Dir. Und ich sag Dir noch einmal so nen Scheiss, dann geht ĂŒber die Wupper, in anderen Foren wĂ€rste schon raus....
    Mann, Mann, Mann so kann man doch net öffentlich schreiben, wie kannst Du nur. Weisste, ich ganz persönlich, ganz tief innen drin, denke wirklich dass es mit deiner ganzen Weltanschauung und deinem Unglauben zu tun hat. Vielleicht spĂŒrst Du ja ganz tief drinnen dass Du unrecht hast.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Jaaa Hahahaha....Sareu ist der Unsinn in Formvollendung in sich selber...solange er nicht in jedem Forum, das nix mit Glauben und Gott zu tun seine antiwerbung macht und auch keine anderen mehr beleidigt oder verletzt kann er tun und lassen was er will.
    Er macht ja auch super tiefgrĂŒndige und interessante BeitrĂ€ge. Verzichten wollen wir auf unseren deutsch-mexikanischen QuerschlĂ€ger nicht...hahaha...ausserdem hat jeder seine Chance verdient. Bei ihm ist es die 16te..lol