Posts by Sareu2002
Viele Grüße Swen. Kannst uns all die weil paar Fotos macha aus Bremen. Die schöne Stadt hat Flair, geht neben Hamburg leider oft en weng unter. Mei Ur-Nürnberscher Dialekt krieg i kaum noch szamm.
Sehr gut. Ein schönes Gedicht. Hab sie alle gelesen. Sie sind erbauend und schenken Seelenwärme. Na gut, paar sind kritisch, das muss aber auch sein. Alle zum Nachdenken anregen.
Wünsche mir mehr davon. Die anderen Dichter machen anscheinend Schaffenspause.
Alldieweil kannst du uns vielleicht noch mehr Inspirationen schenken.
Also meine Organe sind sicher nichtmehr die besten,aber wenn man tod wäre und man dadurch andere retten könnte ist eine organspende eine gute sache !
Ja, was wartest du? Ab ins Kh und mach dir Spendeausweis. Oder mach Lebendspende. Spende doch dein Arm.
Wie siehts aus?
Vielleicht, wenn du dir gleich Ausweis holst, kannst du mein Ellbogengelenk haben.
Wir können Organe tauschen. Leber und Ellbogen gegen Arm und Gehirn.
crxazy -
Finde Ökologie und Umweltschutz auch total wichtig für unsere Zukunft. Super gemacht, Alex.
Eine super emotionale und spannende Geschichte
Ja. Frag mich doch. Habs erlebt, na oder ausgedacht.
lg -
Freu mich auch das du wieder da bist! Mal schauen was dir noch einfällt, hihi.
Bis bald. -
Dietmar, I'm just as addicted to the stars like you!
Can say that I still do not see a time that is no longer even exist've heard 70% of the stars are no longer existent.
Yes, there must be large natural disasters up there in the universe super, every day encounters a star with the others, triggering a natural disaster from!
Yes, and the black holes, the earth should ever in such a black hole purely straight, she only has a circumference of 5 km, a tea spoon ground will then be tons, they will compress and condense the black hole is the suck earth, like all other stars to be around too!
This process will only take a short time.
It will spit out on the other side of the black hole, a new universe, as science reports, there will be 7 universe ... who knows ...
Is the earth then in the new universe, they will accept the old size again and will decrease the time!
And then there's this thing with the number 9, number 9 pyramids were built with access roads, almost all stars constellation consists of 9 stars, 9 + 9 = 18 (1 +8 = 9)
3 * 9 = 27 (2 +7 = 9) 4 * 9 = 36 (3 +6 = 9) or you can do what you want with the 9 it is only with the 9 ..... 127 * 9 = 1143 (1 +1 +4 +3 = 9) This pay system had recognized Mayans! Located in Mexico
=)) -
Dear good webmaster, now you haven't to make the child safety items only because of art, =)) my grandma always went to church because to see porns of naked men (angels)!
I begin to sing the holy holy holy hypocritical are the girls!
The picture is called "White linen vest" and who has already something like this?
Acryl, pencil and 0.20 carat diamond on carton 19:21 inches! -
Why are there now 2 pictures?
Note from the webmaster: Since I did't get the image of your colored beauty, the double image was automatically removed from the Attachments...
The striving to achieve the breakthrough to mixed WC, 23 to 19 inches, acryl, oil and clay on canvas and wood
Convoluted bodies, oil on canvas, 21 to 31 inches
"Minotaur" by Pablo Picasso, copy of the original, material are original colors and canvas, 26 to 20 inches, just like the original, too!
I made the Hitler a little bit smaller, now I hope it works
The webmaster would like to have this girl, but she is mine
"Cuba", cover of a book of mine, 28 to 47 inches
This is my girlfriend Gabi from Nuremberg, Germany. 67 to 28 inches
a slightly smaller image, title Holy Lischen Müller =)) someone of the university Nuremberg, Germany wanted to buy it for 8.000 DM (German Mark) but didn't want to give it away, just good so holy holy holy hypocritical are the girls from next door! 14 to 16 inches
The old squaw
Clothing, lace, cigarette, and real hair on canvas 30 x 30 inches