- Official Post
Dear friends of ASCII images and ASCII art!
In this thread we are dealing with ASCII art by creating images, more precisely pictograms, by ASCII characters. In the early days of computers, which were still without graphical representation, the only way to produce graphics and images was to realize images and pictures by ASCII code.
The ASCII code is the easiest way to generate text files, which are used in forums, blogs, signatures, mails, and in the usenet environment.
This forum thread presents amazing ASCII art, everyone can present, post and show ASCII images, copy and use them.
Since these ASCII images are anyway posted billiards times through internet, the right to use them doesn't play a role. The pictures are simply for free. If they are not free for public usage, contrary to expectations, the author and his permission for the publication have to be mentioned here in Cosirex forum.
Have fun with great exotic ASCII pics...
In the following picture you have to open the browser window completely in horizontal directiony that the dog or wolf is not distorted. Otherwise the characters on the right side of the screen appear on the left side.
Just playing a little with the window size.
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