Aloha !!! Chat around the world with Cosirex Forum!!!

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    Ever known? In Cosirex Forum you can chat...and much more...
    By clicking easily on the button "Chat" in the main menu, then you are already inside chat. [/size]
    The best by right click, then "open link in new window" in order to chat and to be still in the forum to be informed about anything, or continue writing your posting. So you don't miss anything. Chat is never ever easier and faster.
    To be in chat and in the same time in forum to follow discussions.
    This is great because you are logged in "Community" with your username and chatting at the same time. Stay online in Chat and Community. Amazing and real good.


    FrĂŒher musste man den Drachen töten und die Jungfrau heiraten.
    Heutzutage gibt es keine Junfrauen mehr, man muss den Drachen heiraten.

    - Drachenweisheit -


  • it happened :klatsch:

    yesterday evening I logged in chat and saw 'caja' fouling around in chat, after writing 3.000 HALLLOOOOOOOOS and KNOCK KNOCKS she was awaked :zwink: and ding time was running and getting late. oh, we had also a meeting with duke who also was in chat


    Wir lieben die Menschen, die frisch heraussagen, was sie denken - falls sie das Gleiche denken wie wir.

    Mark Twain

  • thanks a lot for your greets, caja :kuh:

    i have much fun here. it's like everywhere, if you do nothing, you won't get anything back. so I'm writing something for you with a twinkle and eye blinking :zwink:

    lots of greets
    anna :engel:


    Wir lieben die Menschen, die frisch heraussagen, was sie denken - falls sie das Gleiche denken wie wir.

    Mark Twain

  • again alone in chat today..@ anna, saw you too late, hanging around at the phone.

    Viele Menschen sind der beste Beweis dafĂŒr, das ein komplett abgeschaltetes Gehirn nicht zwangslĂ€ufig zum Tode fĂŒhren muß!