Increase the number of tags in the selection menu
Dukemaster -
January 30, 2018 at 5:28 PM -
0 Replies
Increase the number of days in the selection box - easily made
It does not make sense to display endlessly many tags, because the display on the screen in the height of natural limits are set. My recommendation 15, at the most 20, even those are almost too much.
For 4 years, I change this setting after each update, if the file is changed.
- Connect to webspace with your FTP program..
- Navigate to /lib/data/tag/TagAction.class.php and download this file.
- Open the file with a suitable editor of your choice.
- Find the comment "// find tags". In the code below locate the number "5". *See Screenshot*
- Increase the value according to your desires.
- Save this file.
- Upload the file back to your web space.
Have fun with the Woltlab Suite and great apps