Today we meet here in Cosirex Chat - Storm in Chatrooms

  • We only want to join chatrooms!
    From today we shout it out: hip chat is in the air, hardcore chat in Cosirex chat for all.
    Finally, we can use a thousand chat rooms and get crazy by chatting online.
    Who is this? Who's going in chat, in chat, in chat,... lol
    The new chat software of Tim's Bastelstube is made pretty cool.
    Cosirex members can be invited directly into chatrooms, no matter where they're hanging around in the Community.
    The desktop alert is for the direct notification if someone writes in chat, or a private message has been sent in the chat (if someone whispers to you),
    or you will be mentioned by username.
    Now you can share pictures, music, videos, files also in the chatrooms and private messages in chat (PMs/PNs), everything simply by mouse click.
    Feel free to create your own chatrooms, temporary chatrooms, which exist as long as the last chatter leaves the room.
    Can even be that one private with password can open for selected users the premises. That would have to ask Cosimo.
    And many more cool features.

    Lasse nie zu, dass du jemand begegnest, der nicht nach der Begegnung mit dir glĂŒcklicher ist.
    Mutter Teresa